Shobudo Bujitsu Jujitsu
The systematic study of the process of controlling a person through pain, with or without injury.
Training in Shobudo Jujitsu is comprehensive and covers a wide range of techniques, including striking, throws, joint-locks, chokes, weapons training, meditation, and more. However, it is primarily an unarmed art, focusing on joint locking techniques and other techniques meant to control an opponent by attacking their weak points and affecting their structural alignment. Within the art of Shobudo lie many sub-disciplines, as in most martial arts. Of primary initial interest to students are the physical techniques of an art, although the mental and spiritual disciplines are equally or even more important. We study the application of pain by many different methods. Open hand techniques taught include joint locks, throws, strikes of all sorts, pressure point and nerve techniques, chokes, and weapon defenses. Weapons training includes both one and two person kata and single techniques with tanto (knife), jo (~4' staff), rokushaku bo (6' staff), yawara bo (short stick), and yubi bo (lit. finger stick). Most techniques are done from a standing position, although we do train in seated and ground techniques as well. Movement is emphasized in our studies, as it forms the basis of off-balancing and control of our opponents. Mental training in tactics, awareness, conflict resolution and focus is done throughout, with more emphasis placed on these at higher levels of training.
Class Times
Monday: 6:15 - 8:00pm
Monthly Advanced Class
Saturday: 8:00-11:00am

Shobudo Bujitsu Jujitsu is a style of jujitsu (or jujutsu), a class of Japanese martial arts. The study of jujitsu is primarily the study of unarmed combat and combat with secondary weapons, such as knives (tanto), sticks (yawara bo), staves (jo, rokushaku bo), and other non-primary weapons, with primary weapons being considered the sword (katana), polearms (naginata, nagamaki, etc.), the spear (yari), and the bow (yumi). Over the course of Japanese history, there have been as many as 700 or more different styles of jujitsu formulated and taught. These vary from styles that practiced only striking techniques to styles practicing only ground-fighting techniques, involving pins and locks, and all possible iterations between these extremes. As well, some styles, including Shobudo, teach the use of weapons and others do not.
The study of any jujitsu style should encompass the principle of Ju, or the concepts of suppleness, yielding, and flexibility. In this, we do not mean that one is training to give way, only that one is training not to resist force with force, but instead utilize the opponent’s strength and momentum to control their movements and, by extension, them.
One of the most important differentiating features of any martial art is the set of core concepts/principles/tenets under which it is formulated, rather than the physical techniques that are taught (which may be quite similar between separate arts). Some of the core tenets of Shobudo are as follows:
Shobudo is the systematic study of the process of controlling a person through pain, with or without injury.
Do not resist force with force.
Strive for unification of the body, mind and spirit as one.
These core concepts manifest themselves in our training and our techniques and are an essential part of Shobudo.
The majority of our techniques are oriented around a set of eight principles.
1st principle - Also called nikyo by aikidoka. This is a wrist lock (kansetsu waza).
2nd principle - Kote gaeshi in all of its myriad forms. Another kansetsu-waza.
3rd principle - Also called sankyo by aikidoka. Kansetsu-waza that also controls the elbow and shoulder.
4th principle - Also called yonkyo by aikidoka. Nerve holds, especially those affecting the radial nerve in the arm and the corresponding nerve in the ankle.
5th principle - Armbars of all sorts and forms, including shoulder locks.
6th principle - Chokes, both blood and air and various head and neck controls.
7th principle - Throws of any type.
8th principle - Pressure points throughout the body.
Strikes, blocks, and entries are worked into these principles as necessary with training done both separately and as an integral part of applying the principles and other techniques to an opponent.